
HS Stencil System -Wave 4- From Brian - Anarchy Models

Created by Brian Best - Anarchy Models

Adding to our range of already popular stencils for the Wargaming market as well as many other genres of painting. For pictures of the choices available: Please see the Kickstarter here: And the webstore here:

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Update.
about 1 year ago – Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 05:36:24 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Pledge manager start, and moving forward.
about 1 year ago – Thu, Nov 09, 2023 at 07:25:07 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Small Update, and a shout out.
over 1 year ago – Wed, Nov 01, 2023 at 09:11:16 AM

Hey everyone!

The pledge manager is almost done, and once kickstarter release the funds (which should be soon) I will get it sent out to you.

2 of you ( who I have already messaged ) had your payment fail. If you would still like to back this project, contact me to late pledge.

Shipping will begin late November.

And now for a shout out.
Our friends over at Stand ArtPainting are running a Kickstarter for their awesome "Nightmare from the Void" space bugs STL models.

They have really put their spin on this genre, and there are some truly unique models to add to your collection, and will be great for trying out your new stencils on. The picks below are their model I painted with the Arakanid Edge-Monster set, and the new in the campaign "Alien Berserker"

This is a great chance to get their whole range of this army, including a brand new model (there might be more new ones by the end), at a GREATLY discounted price.

check it out here.

Thanks to you all!! and What happens now?
over 1 year ago – Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 03:40:45 AM

Huge thanks to you all!!

Well, after a hugely busy time, it done. Massive thanks to you all for helping this project become a reality.

You are awesome!  Its especially great to see so many returning backers :-)

What happens now

Most of you have used Kickstarter before, so probably know what comes next, but I will cover it now here.

  • Payments. Kickstarter have already collected most payments. There is a very small number of failed payments ( normally down to a card provider flagging KS as potential fraud). KS will have already emailed you if there is an issue, please correct this asap. I will send a personal message to any not fixed by mid week, just in case someone is not getting the KS emails for some reason.

NOTE. As always, if you get a message from your bank, log in normally, not by clicking a link in an email, we don't want some scammer to get lucky from a coincidence. 

It takes KS 2 weeks to send me the funds.

  • Surveys/Pledge Manager. due to the huge amount of choices available to you ( as you can select from the current range of stencils, not just the new ones ) Kickstarters own surveys are not detailed enough. I will be using a Pledge manager for this ( I have used this one several times before, it works well) which will make selecting your stencil choices easy, and also give the option of adding more funds for more products should you wish, I know some have asked about this already. 

This cant happen until at least the 2 weeks are up and KS send me the funds.

  • Production/Design Tweaking. Production has already started, and will continue. I am still finalising a few designs, to make sure they are as awesome as possible. I want to cram as much as I can into each set, for maximum versatility.

  • Shipping. As there is a 2 week gap for the funds, then time needed for people to fill in the pledge manager, shipping will not start till at least Mid November. As mentioned at the very start of the project story, shipping will be a gradual process, with shipping starting in November, but not finishing in November.

  • Before you get your stencils.  I highly recommend you check out my videos for how to use the stencils.   Also check out the playlists to see the great videos I have done with the Beasts of war/Ontabletop team. 

  • Model prep. Many of you may want to get your models prepared for when you get the stencils. I strongly recommend  that you do not fully assemble creatures with many upper limbs or wings and use either magnets, or just gluing them, on later. If a part of the mdel will stop you from getting a stencil in place, leave it off for now.

Make sure you paint any parts left off at the same time though, or you will likely have colour matching issues.

Keeping informed. I invite you all to follow ( if not already ) the following socials, to best keep informed about future videos, info, projects and competitions.

Painting Competition. I cannot wait to see what you all do with my stencils! So, what better way to share some pics than a competition.

This may be too soon to talk about this, but I say why not let you plan ahead!

At some point in the new year, probably around April to allow plenty of time for people to get their stencils and practice with them, I will run a painting competition just for you, my lovely backers!

There will be 2 categories, Vehicle, and Creature.

OK,  I think that's all for now, sorry its a long one, but I wanted to cover as much as possible.

Thanks gain to you all!


Final hours!! Any questions? And what's coming before the end.
over 1 year ago – Sun, Oct 22, 2023 at 07:18:48 AM

Hi everyone!

Oooooh it's exciting! just a few hours to go!  Thanks to all who have joined us, you are amazing! :-)

Does anyone have any questions?

I will try and keep an eye out for questions as much as possible before the end, if anything is unclear, please just ask :-) really! anything about the campaign at all! :-)

Ideally ask any questions either here in this update, or via private message if you prefer.

What's coming before the end?

  • I realise I have managed to not get any pics up yet for the Diamond Tumble stencils, sorry about that, I will get something up asap. There is be 3 sizes. (2 standard, and 1 micro, with 1 size per stencil due to the design)
  • I will be adding a couple addons soon:
  • Stipple brush sets
  • Packs of extra stencil clips ( used to help organise/store your edge-monster stencils. You all get 1 clip per edge-monster set free. These extra packs are optional for those who may want an extra layer or organisation, for example split up the 3 sizes in the Karkinos pack onto 3 separate clips)